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What is the effect of mineral stones?

It is not uncommon for mineral stones to be referred to as healing stones. It is said that they have certain healing abilities, both mentally and physically. For every problem there is a suitable stone that is supposed to eliminate it.

History of minerals

The mineral stones are millions of years old and can be found in almost every country. Its healing effect on humans was established thousands of years ago. They were especially valued in ancient times. There, they were seen as something extraordinary and they used their healing properties like herbs. Later in the Middle Ages, Hildegard von Bingen further studied the benefit of them and wrote down the knowledge they had acquired. For this, it was worshiped by many of its fellow men. The stones are said to have a positive effect on the body as well as on the soul and spirit. It is not without reason that the gemstones are still used for healing today.

Effect of the minerals

Minerals or precious stones are always associated with energy. Energy is a specific sequence of electromagnetic waves, similar to light. The Italian physicist Dr. Carlo Rubbia received a Nobel Prize in 1984 for his intensive research on energetic vibrations. He proved that there are so-called "energy quanta", which are present in both humans and crystals. Although the effects of stones have been used and researched for several hundred years, it cannot be explained why some stones can be used as healing stones and some cannot. Jedoch weiß man, dass jeder Heilstein je nach Kristallstruktur und Farbe verschiedene Eigenschaften besitzt. So sorgt der Rosenquarz für Balance und der Amethyst für Entspannung.

Minerals usage

In order for the minerals to achieve their maximum effect, they should be consumed as gemstone water. Depending on the complaint, there are different stones that can help alleviate the pain. Then simply bring the stones into contact with water in a carafe, leave to stand overnight and enjoy the next morning.

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